When electrolysis was invented in 1875, it became the first major success in permanent hair removal. Even though it has been around for 150 years, electrolysis is still the only method currently available that will permanently treat white, gray and red hair. There is no laser on the market that can permanently remove these hairs, so they must be removed by electrolysis.

Electrolysis works by sliding a needle beside the hair into the sheath of the hair follicle. The type of electrolysis that is used at LHR Skin and Vein Center is thermolysis. Thermolysis works by passing a high frequency current down the needle. This current produces heat; which cauterizes and destroys the papilla at the base of the follicle. Once a hair is treated, it is then removed.
Frequent Asked Electrolysis Questions
Does electrolysis work on all skin types?
Yes, skin color has no effect on electrolysis.
Does electrolysis work on all hair colors?
Yes, electrolysis works on all hair types but is the only permanent way to treat white, gray or true red hair.
What does electrolysis feel like?
Every reaction to electrolysis is a little different. There is a minor discomfort associated with the treatment; however because of the skill of our licensed Electrologist the discomfort is very minimal.
How many electrolysis treatments will I need?
Because electrolysis treats each hair individually you will need multiple treatments. Please don’t let this discourage you. You will notice results from electrolysis and the results will be permanent.
Are the results permanent?
Yes electrolysis is FDA approved for permanency. And before laser, electrolysis was the only means of permanency.
How much does electrolysis cost?
Electrolysis is charged in 15 min increments. A 15 minute session is $40. Most sessions are 15 minutes depending on the area.
How often do I come in for electrolysis?
For electrolysis you will come in once a month. Depending on the area that is being treated and the amount of hair you may come more often in the beginning so the area can be totally clean of hair.
What happens after an electrolysis treatment?
A typical reaction is for your skin to be a little pink with slightly raised bumps. Aloe will be placed on the skin to cool the area down. The reaction is very temporary lasting 15-30 minutes.
What do I need to do to prior to arriving for appointment?
Please refrain from applying any makeup, lotions, deodorant or perfumes the day of your appointment.