Photo-Facial Rejuvination

At LHR Skin and Vein Center, we offer state-of-the art services to repair and minimize the signs of aging on your skin. Intense Pulse Light (IPL) or photo-facial rejuvenation is the most technologically advanced treatment to safely and effectively treat a wide range of concerns, including: broken capillaries, benign brown pigment, age spots (sun induced freckles), mottled pigmentation, rosacea, melasma, freckles, ruddy complexion, birthmarks, and port wine stain. It offers a safe, non-invasive solution to improve skin texture, fine lines, and reduce pore size. It provides superior cosmetic results and outstanding satisfaction with no down time.


Lucent IPL Machine

LHR Skin and Vein Center is the only provider in Michigan who uses the state of the art Lucent IPL machine! It uses 3500 watts of power and is the most powerful IPL machine on the market. The Lucent IPL machine delivers results!

Advanced technology can be expensive. While other practices may promote similar treatments with cheaper, lower-powered technology, there is a visible difference in results. Our practice believes in providing only the best treatment for our patients and has made the investment in the Lucent IPL Machine.

After all sun damage is removed, you will start producing collagen again, and your skin will start to plump out and lines will diminish.

Frequent Questions

What is IPL - intense pulse light?
Lumenis One is a true fourth generation Intense Pulse Light (IPL) system with patented state-of-the art technology which optimizes power, pulse, and light delivery to provide maximum results with optimal comfort and safety. Lumenis invented IPL and continues to perfect it. With more clinical papers and more physicians using Lumenis IPL systems it has become the Gold Standard on the market. Advanced technology can be expensive. While other practices may promote similar treatments with cheaper, lower-powered technology, there is a visible difference in results. Our practice believes in providing only the best treatment for our patients and has made the investment in the Lumenis One system.

At LHR Skin and Vein Center, we offer state-of-the art services to repair and minimize the signs of aging on your skin. Intense Pulse Light (IPL) or photo-facial rejuvenation is the most technologically advanced treatment to safely and effectively treat a wide range of concerns, including: broken capillaries, benign brown pigment, age spots (sun induced freckles), mottled pigmentation, rosacea, melasma, port wine stain, freckles, ruddy complexion, and birthmarks. It offers a safe, non-invasive solution to improve skin texture, fine lines, and reduce pore size. It provides what happens after a Botox treatment? superior cosmetic results and outstanding satisfaction with no down time.

What are IPL skin treatments using photo rejuvenation?
Lumenis IPL Technology improves the appearance of photo-aged skin, removes age spots (sun-induced freckles), most benign brown pigments, redness caused by broken capillaries and gives the skin a smoother, more even tone through a process called Photo-rejuvenation for face and body. IPL Skin Treatments using Photo-rejuvenation help restore a more youthful appearance without the patient downtime.
Are patients satisfied with the results of this gentler, more delicate approach?
IPL Skin Treatments using Photo-rejuvenation are recognized for a very high measure of patient satisfaction. Patients are very pleased with treatment results because the process treats the full face, neck, chest or hands, rather than addressing a single isolated area or imperfection. With a series of treatments, IPL technology can help restore a more youthful appearance without patient downtime or a prolonged recovery necessary after other types of treatments.
Can they be treated by the IPL instead?
Technically, it is possible to treat such pigmented lesions with IPL and diminish their brown color; However, doing so does not affect the pre-malignant cells; it only obscures them and delays the diagnosis. It is therefore essential to consult a dermatologist prior to IPL treatment of any suspect pigmented lesion.
Can IPL treat hairy pigmented lesions?
Yes, due to the versatility of filters, IPL is an effective treatment for hairy pigmented lesions. IPL with longer filters can penetrate deeper than IPL with short filters. Thus, a shorter filter may be used to treat the superficial (epidermal) pigmented lesion while a longer filter may be applied to remove the hair.
How does IPL/photofacial work?
The IPL hand piece delivers high intensity pulses broadband light that is different from the narrow band light of lasers. IPL, which stands for Intense Pulse Light, is non-ablative meaning that it does not damage the surface of the skin. The intense light is delivered to the deeper parts of the skin (dermis) and leaves the superficial aspect of the skin (epidermis) untouched. There are different versions of IPL available on the market that target different structures in the skin.
What are IPL’s Advantages?
As discussed above, IPL does not damage the skin surface, unlike micro-dermabrasion and laser resurfacing. Therefore, there is virtually no recovery time”. Treatments take approximately 30-45 minutes. Patients can apply makeup before leaving the office and return to work the same day. There is also minimal pain with IPL, unlike laser or radiofrequency resurfacing which both require topical anesthetic. Also, with IPL, a larger area can be treated at one time than with laser treatment.
What are IPL’s disadvantages?
Given that there is little damage to the skin surface, several treatments may be required to see the desired effect. For best results, approximately 4-6 treatments, spaced 3 weeks apart, are needed. Side effects can include transient redness and increased or decreased pigment in the treated area. Minimizing sun exposure can reduce these side effects.
How much does IPL cost?
Prices usually vary according to the IPL treatment size. The average cost for a photofacial/IPL is $250 – $600 each treatment, depending on the body part. A consultation with a photofacial/IPL specialist and the number of treatments needed determine your IPL treatment cost.
What do I need to do to prior to arriving for appointment?
Please refrain from applying any makeup, lotions or perfumes the day of your appointment.
Do you offer any packages?

LHR Skin and Vein Center offers a package of 5, buying 4 getting 5th treatment free.

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